As most of you know I am a Wish Granter for Make a Wish and Macy's has launched a big campaign called “BELIEVE” just in time for the holiday season. Macy’s is a great supporter of the Make-A-Wish Foundation and we are so lucky that they have come up with another way to give during these tough economic times.
Make-A-Wish Foundation volunteers are encouraged to have children (and adults too!) write letters to Santa Claus and place them in envelopes that are STAMPED AND ADDRESSED TO SANTA AT THE NORTH POLE.
These letters must be returned to a local Macy’s who will have collection boxes at each of their locations.
(if you don’t have a Macy’s in your area, send them to me & will get them to a Macys)
Macy’s will be donating $1 for each letter that is turned in to their stores, up to a $1 million limit.
Your assignment, should you choose to accept it, is for you is to get the word out to everyone you know!!!! Collect as many letters to Santa as you can and turn them into your local Macy’s. Have your family and friends, coworkers and neighbors, maybe even your kids’ school get behind the campaign. It is a great way to teach kids about giving in the Holiday Season.
Please remember each letter must be in a stamped and addressed envelope to count.
Please help to fund wishes for the kids in your local area. All it takes is a letter and a stamp! (Okay, an envelope too!)
If you have any questions, please give me a call or send me an email!
Thanks so much!
Best wishes,