Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Grandma Jacobsen

My cute little grandma passed away this last week. She was my Dad's mom and the last of my grandparents. She was in her 90's and until a few months ago I thought she would out live me! She was very organized and prepared. She did everything the prophet told us to do and then more! The bishop told a story of how right before she died she was so worried she hadn't paid her tithing this month - so my dad wrote a check and gave it to the bishop and they recorded it right before she passed! What a good example she was! She submitted more than 90,000 names to the temple! She was an incredible woman who helped the church with her geneology skills. She loved anything to do with family history. At her funeral my Aunt Sharon told of all the many jobs she had and I can't say I was surprised, she did pretty much everything. But one I didn't know about was she was an airplane mechanic. She passed away on her anniversary! My Grandpa died about 10 years ago. What a sweet reunion that was along with all the 90,000 people who she helped through her temple work! What an incredible woman! We will miss her!
We were also able to spend time with my sisters and kids! We sure love all those guys!

Lauren needed some help - I think Boston had No choice!
Grandma Marlene and Papa Joe were there too! It was fun to see everyone!


Anonymous said...

Such nice memories of Grandma Jacobsen and what a great example to strive to be like! So glad that we could visit for just a few short hours and meet Austin.

rexburgskinners said...

Now I know where you get your drive and zest for life! What an incredible lady!

Summer Carlile said...

She sounds like such a great Grandma. You were blessed with two wonderful Grandmas!

Summer Carlile said...

She sounds like such a great Grandma. You were blessed with two wonderful Grandmas!

Shannon said...

ok, out of all those pictures that taylor took on your camera... that is the one of me that you picked!!! honey!!

I loved hearing all of those wonderful stories about such a wonderful woman. I didn't even know all those jobs she had. She really was such a righteous woman.


Diana and Derek said...

We have great genes!