Wednesday, August 24, 2011

bit·ter·sweet (btr-swt): adj. Producing mixture of pain and pleasure

Raising children is bittersweet. We want our children to find someone wonderful to share their life and eternity with. But when they do what they have been taught it really tugs at your heart. Today we watched Lauren and David drive off to their new life together. We were both happy and sad. We know they will be successful together. You can't be around them very long and not feel the love they have for each other and see how much fun they make everything. We will miss them. Our family is continually changing. Derek was sitting on the dock today and started saying that this time next year he could be waiting for a mission call! WAIT! WHAT? Where does the time go!


Grandma Patt said...

And off they go!! Once they start leaving the nest time goes too fast. Off on a new adventure for the newly weds. What are you doing for Labor day weekend? Come see us!!

Shannon said...

boo for you...but YAHOO for me!!! we are so excited to see them ALL the time. don't worry they're in good hands! ha

i can't believe how fast time goes by? maybe you should have another baby, because your so good at being a MOM! I love you!! xxoo